

 Try to Participate and give me the answers  till Friday 16Th
See if you can answer the following questions about the meanings of quotations.

1. “Acting is all about honesty. If you can fake that, you've got it made.” George Burns

Burns was _______.

A. saying that he is honest

B. angry about what actors do

C. a fake

D. making a joke

2. “If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins.” Benjamin Franklin

This means that _______.

A. you should think before you act

B. avoid fast horses

C. do whatever you feel like doing

D. let someone else drive

3. “You must do the things you think you cannot do.” Eleanor Roosevelt

This means that _______.

A. we should fool ourselves

B. we are confused

C. we can't do all that much

D. we're capable of doing more than we realize

4. “Government's first duty is to protect the people, not run their lives.” Ronald Reagan

Reagan wanted to _______.

A. have government solve all our problems

B. limit the power of government

C. shrink the military

D. eliminate all governments

5. “You aren't learning anything when you're talking.” Lyndon B. Johnson

This means that it's important to _______.

A. talk louder

B. teach

C. help others.

D. listen to others

1_______ 2_______ 3_______ 4_______ 5_______

Quotation Source: BrainyQuote


Easter Bonnet Parade

In your Easter bonnet.

In 1948 Irving Berlin wrote.

In your Easter bonnet, with all the frills upon it

You'll be the grandest gal in the Easter parade.

I'll be all in clover, and when they look us over

We'll be the proudest couple in the Easter parade.

--Irving Berlin's "Easter Parade" (1948)

 It is believed that the Easter Parade had its beginning in the 1870s, in New York. The Easter Parade in New York was and still is extremely popular event. Originally the church would carry Easter flowers from St. Thomas Church to St. Luke's Church. In this one block parade it became a traditional rite of spring to be seen in your new spring fashions which included hats. The hats were getting larger and larger and with the larger and were decorated with more and more. Flower, lace, ribbon, and birds nest were all used to decorate an Easter bonnet. The parade route then extended from Madison Square to Central Park.

The first Easter bonnets were worn before we even started celebrating Easter. The first bonnets were not even bonnets but were a circlet or wreath of leaves and flowers to celebrate the coming of spring. Today the Easter bonnet is typically round and still filled with leave and flowers. The round shape is to think to symbolize the shape of the sun and the cycle and path the sun takes abound the earth. The days get longer and the plants bust into life after the cold darkness of winter.
Just after the Civil war Easter was known as “Sunday of Joy,” Mother and daughters who had worn the dark colors of mourning for such a long time decided to start wearing the wonderful colors and flowers of spring. Their hats were adorned with the latest flowers. If the flowers were not blooming they would make them from paper, fabric, ribbon, hair, feathers or sea shells.
This Easter start your own tradition of wearing a hat on Easter you make it your self , with beautiful flowers, take the time to celebrate the rebirth of spring and relax in a fun and gentle way.
24th MARCH 2010 at school   Let's celebrate Easter in a creative, funny and colourful way

Happy Easter!


Happy New Year

Well after a very short break we've finally managed to witness the birth of  a new decade. I hope that from 2010 forward all the life of my fellow workers, students and special friends will be full of happy moments next to those who are dear to you and the memorable days to share throughout your life.



Classes 09/2010

Eddie Robinson: The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential... these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence.
 1St year IE
We are seventeen teenagers from Braga who attend the vocational course of electric installation at E.P.B.We chose this course because it is very interesting and we can have great chances of getting a good job in the future.

Our favourite subject so far is integração because our teacher is funny and nice. Finally we must admit that we enjoy this school very much: we have nice schoolmates, good teacher and wonderful classrooms.
 1st Year CC
Hi there!

We are 1st  year students of  the civil construction course and we are studying at E.P.B. We are funny and nice students  but we are also ambitious and sociable. We like our new school because, it's very big and cosy we feel welcomed here because teachers are great. Our favourite subject so far is, Oficina Tecnológica because  it has an active component. In the near future we hope to become good technicians and better persons.
1st Year ELE
We are a first year students of the Electronics Course at the vocational school of Braga.

We consider ourselves as friendly, nice, funny and hard working boys. We are a bit lazy and talkative though. We also made a promise to our teaches to improve our behaviour and attitudes.

We like our school because it is nice and big and we integrated very well, we also have good and nice teachers, who teach very well.

Our favourite subject so far is Integração because we have a great teacher.

 1st Year FC

 We are 1st year students who attend EPB. We are enjoying our new school, teachers and schoolmates very much. We hope to become good students and learn a lot with our teachers.


I've decided to give a precious list of sites that you can go to in order to help you
 improve your english,
learn new words,
expand your vocabulary and
study grammar














